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Open source works
SprHibRAD 1.0. (2017)
A suite for the Rapid Application Development, made up by a framework, based on Spring and Hibernate, and a code generator that requires a connection to a relational database, asks the developer to set some logic about the logical model and generates a complete dynamic web application relying on the framework APIs. Go to the details pages or see the code in GitHubJoty 2.0, the Delayed Desktop Transaction framework. (2015)
a Java based framework for the development of rich client web applications and Android mobile web apps. The web application can be developed and run in a non web context as jdbc desktop application and a simple configuration switch changes the running mode. Go to the details pages or see the code in GitHubOdontior 2.0 (2015)
An application for the dentists based on the "Joty technology". Go to the details pages or see the code in GitHubOdontior Mobile 1.0 (2015)
An Android web app , derived from the Odontior 2.0 workstation web application. It is based on the "Joty technology" too. Go to the details pages or see the code in GitHub