Joty Workstation application guide

Setup and deployment of the application

A preliminary task needed to both of the Joty running modes is the creation of the database instance that is performed by executing the script, designed together with the application itself, on the target dbms.

As desktop / client-server application

From the Java Applicaton project a jar file must be generated, as 'runnable'. If the report features are used in the implemented application then the application jar must be generated with the BIRT Report engine library included in the class path and depending on the way chosen, then, that library will have to be addressable from the final location for the jar. Once the installation folder has been chosen, a copy of the joty.xml file must be customized at least with:

the configuration file must be placed in the installation folder, indeed, together with:

As web application

From the Java Applicaton project a jar file must be generated, as 'runnable', but, if the 'Accessor' mode was used in the implementation of the application and the choice is for remote location for the Accessor instance, then the jar file must not include the application package containing the Accessor implementation class.

Then the file must be signed with the signatures of the developing entity (mainly because the Java Web Start technology requires this).

After that, the file must be placed in the web content path of a Dynamic web project settled just for building the server instance and in this path must also be placed the following objects:

Then, the directory 'WEB-INF/lib' must be filled with the following .jar files part of the framework binaries:

and with the application-specific jar files that must be present on the server side - typically:<>

Furthermore, if the Reporting features was used in the implementation of the application, the BIRT Report Engine library must be in the class path of the project.

Lastly, the 'META-INF/context.xml' file must be customized on the following attributes:

The war file, indeed, can be exported and put in the Tomcat 'webapps' directory.

before starting the application two aspects must be verified on the Tomcat server:

Startup of the application

In web mode the application must be started by clicking on the link of the main page addressed with the web browser at the application Url. This will trigger the Java Web Start technology that will take care of various step related to the verification of the Java workstation environment until the application is downloaded and, indeed, the web server certificate is verified or negotiated (through ssl) and the user is presented with the login dialog.

In desktop / client-server mode, instead, it is enough to get the execution of the application jar, located in the file system, in the installation folder of the workstation. The execution is typically obtained (it depends on the O.S. platform) by double clicking the file. So that the login dialog appears to the user.

User and password must be submitted to the system, indeed;

Joty Workstation application built-in features

Here is the list of the aspects the user of the Joty Workstation application can perceive: