Joty Mobile app guide


The app is a .apk file and is installed like any other apps into the Android Os.

No configuration is required

Started by touching the app icon, the app tries to connect to the Joty Mobile home page, through the device network infrastructure, and, once connected and loaded that page, it picks the Url of the running Joty Server instance that provides the connection to the database and, optionally, some further server computation, if the accessor mode is the choice.

The first time the app is launched after installation, a screen for the acquisition of the server Url appears. The user has to type in that address (or when the dedicated field appears already with a value he/she can leave it unchanged - the app code may have expressed some preference about). This scenario, at the launch, repeats itself until a valid address has caught - In order to renew it you have to uninstall the app and install again or clean the cache data- Actually the path indentifies the internet directory where the file "start.html" is located (see the download section).

Then the login form appears: the Global ID field is present only if the Joty application runs in sharing mode, (for that its database must be designed with convenient adding of a key to the main entities (that value, indeed, identifies a virtually private data space for a group of users). The user and password fields are always present in the form.

The first time the app is launched, just after the credential submission, performed by the app against the Joty Server, the user is presented with server certificate negotiation.

At the end of the start-up phase the app comes to its idle state in which it appears in the standard asset and look-and-feel flavor here described.

Joty Mobile app built-in features

Here is the list of the aspects the user of the Joty Mobile app can perceive: